Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Introduction to Language and Linguistics…Presentation(7/4/09)

1.All living languages change. Select a language. Study the history of the language. Discuss the changes. Give egs and reasons for the changes.

2.Explain ‘varieties’ of a language. Explain the varieties of a selected language. Give egs. Show how they differ from the standard language.

3.What is the importance of a language to society? Is culture important? Explain and give egs. Can language/culture die? Explain.

4. Phonemes & Morphemes in English

Groups -
1. Nimz & Kimz
2. Thivya
3. Wani & Sidra
4. Jamuna & Vijaya

-take about half an hour
-make hardcopy of the research

*Revision = 14/4/2009 (Last Day)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Next Week

1. Presentations - Hadi and Habibah will be presenting next week.

2.Research and read up on -

i) Language History & Change
ii)Language Varieties
iii) Language, Society & Culture

Note: Groups will be required to present on the above topics.

Bring your research to class.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Presentations - Evaluation

Evaluate the presentations. Give comments/ feedback that are constructive. Use the following as a guide to help you focus on various aspects of the presentation. Post your comments in the blog.

1. Briefly explain the aim of the presentation.
2. Do you think the group achieved the aim? Yes/No. Explain.
3. What was the most interesting/boring aspects of the presentation? Explain why.
4. Did the group/individual manage to hold the attention/interest of the whole class? Explain how.
5. Did the presentation help you reflect, collaborate, ask questions, etc? Was it a learning experience? Explain whether you got a better understanding of the topic.
6. How would you have done the presentation to make it more interesting?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

New Questions/Topics!

Miss Sarada:

Sidra is doing a wonderful job for you guys.From 'comment counts' to providing links.So what are you waiting for?Comments=marks.

Here are some questions for you to think of to comment on.

1.Who is a 'native speaker'of a language?
2.Can 'near native like'proficiency in a language be acquired?How?Quote research and give examples.
3.Discuss the Nativist,cognitivist and behaviouristic theories in relation to language learning.
4.Why do languages change?
5.What is the role of language in society?
6.Is there a link between culture and language?Explain.

Note:Please bring relevant research to class on Tuesday.Need to see the hard copy.The above together with other topics will be discussed further in class.

I see our friend Hadi is promoting his country...heh,heh.How much of Hadi's culture do you know?Are there any similiarities between the different Malaysian cultures and where Hadi comes from?Is it important you get to know his culture?Why?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Comment Count

I noticed that most of you keep commenting on the chat box, but there aren't many comments in the forum section... remember only actual comments regarding our class or the topics miss sarada gave us counts. so i decided to do a comment count so that, if you missed to comment on a topic, you can check here and do so .. :)

1. Forum 1: Ainu, Sidra, Thivya,Nim, G. Vijaya, Kimz

2. 3 orginal malay words: Hadi (malaysian), Bib, sidra, G.Vijaya

3. Mother Tongue: Pooja/Vijaya, Bib, Sidra,Nim, Jamuna, Ainu

4. Malaysian English: Bib, Sidra,Nim , Thivya , g.vijaya, Ainu, Kimz

5. 2nd Forum: Ainu, Sidra , Nim , thivya, G.Vijaya

6. New Questions/Topics! : Ainu, Thivya, Nim, G. Vijaya

7. Presentation Evaluation: Thivya, G.Vijaya, Sidra, Ainu, Nim

Looks like only 1/3rd of the class have actually been commenting.. I have added links to each topic so that you don't have to search for the links... take this opportunity to comment and share with us our opinions guys! :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Information & 2nd Forum

Presentation Schedule
17/3/2009 - Group 1 & Group 2

24/3/2009 - Group 3 & Group 4

31/3/2009 - Group 5 & Group 6

Quiz - 5%
In the course plan it is stated that the Quiz is valued at 5% ... All the topics that would be taken under consideration in this 5% is -


Next Week Topics
Topic 8: First and Second Language Acquisition.
Topic 9: Language History and Change.
Topic 10: Language Varieties.

Start commenting! :)