Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Presentations - Evaluation

Evaluate the presentations. Give comments/ feedback that are constructive. Use the following as a guide to help you focus on various aspects of the presentation. Post your comments in the blog.

1. Briefly explain the aim of the presentation.
2. Do you think the group achieved the aim? Yes/No. Explain.
3. What was the most interesting/boring aspects of the presentation? Explain why.
4. Did the group/individual manage to hold the attention/interest of the whole class? Explain how.
5. Did the presentation help you reflect, collaborate, ask questions, etc? Was it a learning experience? Explain whether you got a better understanding of the topic.
6. How would you have done the presentation to make it more interesting?


  1. 1.jamuna's group was presentating on the development of writing and how it evolved as humans becamre more civilised...
    2.yes, they certainly achieved their aim because their presentation was very much in detail and it covered the main points...it was a tough topic and they managed it very well by giving good elaboration on their points that was easy to be undrestood..

  2. jamuna's presentation was interesting mainly because they did a good job in looking for the pictures for their presentation and also the group avtivities that they had which made the presentation to be an interactive one..the boring aspect might be that the presentation was quite lengthy...

  3. G.vijaya
    Well, talking about lasts week’s presentations, I was really taken up by the Thivya’s group presentation. It really got me excited watching the videos of different languages. Their presentation was a wonderful presentation which was full of fun and informative.
    Isn’t that a once in a lifetime amazing opportunity!
    There are many things we can learn from our classmates during their presentation. Not only in terms of how to do a good presentation and perhaps what not to do but also the knowledge that they put forth during their presentation. In addition,, attending classes during presentation are equally important as it widens our knowledge when our friends presents to us new information in their own ways .Therefore, attendance is very crucial especially during the weeks of presentation.I say so because imagine if everyone doesn't turn up for class, who is going to support and respond to the groups when they are presenting? our support will eventually boost the groups to present better .
    Whilst, being there and supporting our course mates during their “ordeal”, helps and at the same time foster friendship.

  4. For Group 1 -
    1. Their aim was to present about the writing system.
    2. Yes. Everybody understood the topic more than we did before.
    3. Interesting part - was the part where we learnt the ancient scripts.. and the boring part.. hmm unanimated power point .. sorry!
    4. Yes, by involving everyone in activities.
    5. Yes, i do have a better understanding of the topics.. especially with all of the pictures which i can use as a form of visual memory.

    Group 2:
    1. the aim was to explain about standard language in a unique way.
    2. yes. we understood the topic and the presentation was fun.
    3. The interesting part was the way they presented, and made all of feel involved the boring part was having to wait for the commercial breaks. :P
    4. yes, by doing a unique presentation and by involving the whole class.
    5. yes, i did get a better understanding of the topic.

  5. jamunah's group really did a great job presenting the topic on writing system.

    yes,they did convey the massage and information that they have clearly to us.they give a lot of useful and interesting examples,plus it was really fun at the same time.

    the most interesting part is where they ask us to write our name using the symbols given.i remember that in egyptian language,my name carries the meaning of eye and water. it is quite similar to the meaning of my name in arabic- Ainu=the eye.
    the boring part is where Hadi struggle a bit with his part but later his group member helped him.during the slides,i noticed that the information was a bit here and there,they should organize it more neatly i guess. I think i didnt hear much from Hadi,i hope that he will speak more and be more outspoken next time.

    at some point they did captured our attention,for example the part where thay ask us to write our name using the symbols given.
    i like the graphic pictures that they put on the slides and show it to us.however,there are certain time where all of us are 'lost',but later they managed to get back on track.

    for sure,the presentation did help me to get a better understanding about the topic.it was a very fun learning experience.i did enjoy myself in the presentation,thus i help me to remember much better what i had learn.

    well for me im thinking of doing something more creative and unique.a game show perhaps,and in my mind i like to print out the symbols,and make it a jigsaw puzzle.i'll ask them to combine them.=)

  6. 1st presentation; jamuna, vijaya & hadi's group. I was bowled over by the amount of research they did for their topic on writing. the images, the alphabets... writing our name in the alphabet was also interesting. Unfortunately, I feel the presentation dragged on for too long, it was not tight and as a result I was bored by the 2nd half.

    2nd presentation: Nim, Kim, Thivya & Ainu. I feel our presentation was fun and clear but we all bungled a bit more than during our rehearsal, which was a bummer. I for instance was more eloquent during rehearsal, no um.. ahh... etc. probably due to the nerves

    3rd presentation: Sidra. I was especially looking forward to Sidra's because i know to expect indepth research from her and she didn't dissapoint. Even though shocked by the lack of students in class, I eventually got lost in the presentation. It needed no gimmicks to make it interesting.

    4th presentation: Habibah. Ok, so technical problem ruined it. I guess Bib was lost for words when the computer wouldn't play her ppt so can't say much.

    5th presentation: Hadi's. Never saw it! Was looking forward to it ...
