Friday, February 13, 2009

Course Plan


Course Leader: SARADA NAIR
Course Title:
Introduction to Language and Linguistics
Semester: January

Email :

Course Code: EGB 1013

Year: 2009

Status: Degree

Course Plan Version: Final

Amendment Date: -

In general, this is a course that aims to prepare students with deeper understanding on the notions surrounding language and linguistic. It is a step-by-step framework that offers simple and reader-friendly explanations on the topics covered. The contents covered are thorough: ranging from the origins of language up until language, society and culture. Besides exposing students to the forms and functions of language, it is also hoped that all the topics covered would prepare students to ask a lot of the kinds of questions that professional linguists ask.

1. To introduce students to the internal structure of language (its form).
2. To introduce students to the varied uses of language in human life (its function).
3. To prepare students to ask a lot of the kinds of questions that professional linguists ask.

LEARNING OUTCOME: Students will have a deeper understanding on the notions surrounding language and linguistics.

George Yule (1998). The Study of Language (Second Edition). Cambridge University Press. Cambridge: Great Britain.
Parker,F and Riley,K. (2005). Linguistics for Non-Linguists. Pearson. Singapore.

Course Policy/Attendance policy Students are required to abide by the university’s Academic Regulation pertaining to all matters during their course of study. Students are advised to take note that class attendance is very important.

Character: 5%
Quiz: 5%
Mid Term Test:20%
Final Examination:50%

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1 comment:

  1. Availability of the information is wide spread on internet such that many people get some thing
    out of this. Awesome work .
