Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Wow! What a class it had been. I first came into the Language and Linguistic Class with nothing but a pen and A4-sized notebook. No preparation whatsoever for what's in store. Heck, I didn't even know what the course was about. I was all prepared for a straightforward, spoon feeding session so I can go back to my other jobs; the ones that pay the bills and keep me going as a full time student.
Imagine my shock when given a set of questions I have to find the answers to myself! Thankfully, after the initial surprise has won off, I got into the groove of researching again, something I loved doing in my days as a journalist. I know from experience though that research can be a daunting and time consuming job. Dishearteningly too, 90% of research might end up on the floor and only the 10% is usable in answering a question. Even then, perhaps only 5% is truly relevant. What one do get from research is the invaluable knowledge that lingers in your mind (if you had been actually reading your stuff instead of printing it out blindly).
For that, I can imagine this class will take up most of my time this semester. Fortunately the topic is interesting so I'm not complaining. Yet. ;-)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First Forum!

Date: 13.1.2009
Title: First Forum

What is language?
Can you explain the origin of language?
Can you imagine a world without language?

please go to http://mail.google.com/ and set up a gmail account before you comment.
and remember to log in before you comment! :)